Asphalt concrete manufactoring

Starting from 2020, VLAKON Ltd. starts operating asphalt concrete plant "Pertnieki", which is located in "Pertnieki", Sakstagals parish, Rezekne county. Production Type LMK 6050 VS 180, Factory Certified to Standards:

 LVS EN 13108-1 Bituminous mixtures. Asphalt concrete.

 LVS EN 13108-5 Bituminous mixtures. Crushed mastic asphalt.

 LVS EN 13108-7 Bituminous mixtures. Porous asphalt.

The plant has a production capacity of up to 180 tons of asphalt concrete per hour. The production process uses raw materials that meet specifications and requirements, which are supplied from SIA VLAKON Pertnieku dolomite quarry.

The plant is equipped with finished product storage bunkers with a total volume of 150 tons.

The plant is certified and produces high quality asphalt concrete of all types.

Production processes are conducted under a strictly controlled quality control and material compliance process.

There is also a Building Materials Testing Laboratory on site, which performs sampling and testing of physical, physico-chemical and mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures and aggregates; physical testing of bitumen samples. The Laboratory performs the production and testing of the bituminous mixture according to the method “Mixing of Bituminous Mixtures Samples in the Laboratory according to LVS EN 12697-35 + A1: 2013L”.


tel. + 371 29396195, +371 26334535,
